Serf Notesblog

Friday, February 17, 2006

POSSESSIONS...digiartist most excellent!


Hey Rashmi,
Your art work is inspirational! I will do a click-pix art photo for you...
soon? I have one post on the moon that you might like. My Mom was an artist and I'm sure she would like your style because of her preferences towards low light... look deep?
Most Sincerely and I'll be back, KennethF

ps: It's nice to see you include the birds in your beautiful work! Many birds visit my feeding stations throughout the winter. I use sunflower, safflower, thistle, suet cakes, and apples. This variety brings in a wonderful mix of our fine feathered friends as well as some other honored guests. ~(:-_))kfh "thank you!"

pps: eFleur D'lie ~ D'clix:
Feb.23,'06: For my new friend and exceptional of electronic artists...
& as promised to__ Rashami. ~(:-_))kfh

Hi Again,
I said I'd be back. I did that photo tribute to your eBlog of excellent art and I hope you can find the time to stop over and check it out.
The moon seem to be the way I wanted to go__ so I hope you like it and have time to look at some of my other blogart. I am using an interwoven sub-blog technique, so click the links for a photo surprise. Truly in admiration, KennethF

fonoflux... SA radio (se!) excellent music!


I mixed it up between spanish and english... lost the copy grab & I did want to see that most receint post of a photo!
1.000ton looped my comments & I do want to check out that underground $50 radio link... tomorrow! Skinned
495-500 hits congrats es ((((((( Amigo MuchoG))))))). kennethF

ps: "Steve's Photos" comment (copy) was loop posted by 1.000ton... and I thought the spanish/english thing was more his way than mine. What the heck happened here?

Another Note:
Hey 1.000ton Amigo,
"AURORA" pix mucho grande, Si! When click enlargment mucho surprised with SA radio, "Soma Fun" gracious. All of your pixs excellente es congrats 495-500 hits!
Por favor... "SubBlog Notes:" in english um "Digipix Art Photoblog" ~(:-_))kfh

ps: apologies mix-up es

Steve's Excellent Photos... match up to future photo!

Steve's Photos

Hey Steve,
Your "Summer Flowers" had me put the brakes on your site. I like the spirit of all Cub's fans and I have a small barrel cactus photo split screened like the one you featured earlier. I think I'm your 700 hit... congrats & I'll be back later when I can dig even deeper! MuchoG, KennethF

ps: FlickR? photos limit enlargements for the sake of deeplinkitus (server space adv) or is there a way to have a nice blowup? Where did I put that bloomin' Christmas cactus six-way split?

Pam & Steve's photos are better & better! ~(:-_))-kfh

Pam & Steve

Hey Pam & Steve,
When is the last time you all saw my Cousin Sylvia and Frank. Your photos are great! Check out my new blog... when you have the time. Stay well and happy jet trails from your new fan in Steeler Town. KennethF

ps: Cousin Sylvia... how is Frank holding up? You should start your own travel notes blog? See my blog in a blog... SubBlog Notes in exclusive links. I know it's a little strange but it works... for me? ~(:-_))kfh

pps: That cooking show/photo went all the way around... even into Ohio?